MRT AE Tool v5.3
MRT AE Tool v5.3 helps you to write dump files on your EMMC/UFS devices. The tool also helps to repair dead boot issues and reset any lock via the ISP method.
In this post, you will find the official link to download MRT AE Tool for windows on your computer. The tool comes as a zip package, which contains the Tools and How-to Repair Manuals.
Download MRT AE Tool v5.3
MRT AE Tool allows you to restore the dump file on your smartphones and tablets. It also helps to remove all user lock and factory reset protection (FRP) on the device.
File Name :
File Size : 9 MB
Operating System : Windows
How to Download : See Example
How To use?
- Extract MRT AE Tool v5.3 on your computer.
- Download and Extract Dump File on your computer.
- Install MediaTek, Qualcomm and MRT AE Tool driver.
- Now, Open MRT AE Tool (AE_Tool_V5.3EN.exe).
- Connect the EMMC/UFS chip via ISP method.
- Write Dump : Click on write flash > Locate the Dump File > Click on Start button to begin the writing process.
- Reset User Lock : Click on Format User Data > Click on Start.
- Reset FRP Lock : Click on Erase FRP > Now, Click on Start.
- Click to See Full-Guidelines for full tutorial.
Readme once
[*] Take a Backup : If you are going to reset your device using MRT AE Tool, then highly recommend take a backup your personal data before using the tool.
[*] Requirements : You must have a ISP or EMMC/UFS adapter for using the tool, otherwise never you will able to connect the device.
[*] USB Driver : There are several USB Driver are available that helps you to connect your device including MTK USB Driver, and Qualcomm USB Driver.
[*] Alternative Tool : There are several similar tools are available that allows you to write dump file including UFI EMMC ToolBox, Easy Jtag Plus and Easy Jtag Classic Tool.